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TCF-Supported Projects

Turtle Conservation Fund

Published Summaries of Annual Progress Reports and Funding Activities
(Downloadable pdf’s)

2007        2008         2009        2010        2011        2012        2013

2014         2015          2016        2017        2018        2019      2020




Overall Summary Activity Report 2002–2018



Full Listing of all Supported Projects


1,062 proposals received, 379 funded
US $1,623,352
total granted
(average grant US $4,283)


79 proposals received, 17 funded
$75,279 granted

Ebong, Esong Lionel, Shiumo Trust, Lyong Giscard, and Dodo Fridolene.  2024. Intergrading local ecological knowledge in biomonitoring and rescue of Kinixys homeana (Home’s Hinge-back Tortoise) in the Deng-Deng National Park, Cameroon.

Howard, Atubwa, Patrick K. Malonza, and Vincent Muchai.  2024.   Establishing status of Pancake Tortoise in Meru Conservation Area, (Bisandi NR, Kora NP and Mwingi NR), Kenya.

Zulkifi, Rahayu binti, Nur Isandra Shazlynn binti Shamsul Azmil, and Audrey Symplicius.  2024.  Habitat utilization and population dynamics of Painted Terrapins (Batagur borneoensis) in Dungun, Terengganu: A pilot survey.

Cohen, Gabriel Jorgewich and Camila R. Ferrara.  2024.  Squad irrigation for turtle life enhancement.

Sibande, Wongani and Paul Mwasesa.  2024.  A survey on freshwater turtles in Mangochi District, Malawi with a focus on Cycloderma frenatum and Pelomedusa subrufa.

Augustine, Lauren, Valerie Corado Garcia, Diana Velásquez, and Chris Bednarski.  2024.  Continued investigations into the range and population dynamics of five species of Kinosternids in Guatemala.

Hidayat, Rahmat, Arbi Wiguna, Syukria Hayati Musfira, and Rusydan Alfata.  2004.  Reducing impacts of incidental capture on Bornean River Turtle ( Orlitia borneensis ) and other turtles in Zamrud National Park, Indonesia.

Jain, Ayushi and Christopher Searcy.  2024.  Assessing nest site requirements of Pelochelys cantorii and analyzing impacts of local dam operations on the critical nesting grounds in Kerala, India.

Barrios, Efrain Miguel Peñaranda and Mario Cabrera. 2024.  Community participatory pilot project for the conservation of the Chaco side-necked turtle, Acanthochelys pallidipectoris (Freiberg 1945) (Chelidae) by the Weenhayek-Tapiete indigenous people in Community Lands of Origin (TCO) of the Chaco Tarijeño of Bolivia – Phase II.

Schoppe, Sabine, Diverlie Acosta, Ronelito Esuma, Ernie Socrates, Eudelyn Gabuco and Lyca Sandrea Castro. 2024. Siebenrockiella leytensis: thriving or declining?

Macip-Rios, Rodrigo, Raúl López-Vivanco and Fernando Daniel Antelo-Barbosa. 2024. Population and thermal ecology of Kinosternon hirtipes hirtipes in an urban area in central Mexico.

McKnight, Donald, Day Ligon and Denise Thompson. 2024. Assessing population size, demographic structure, and patterns of growth in Critically Endangered Central American River Turtles (Dermatemys mawii).

Augustine, Lauren, Valerie Corado Garcia, Diana Velásquez and Chris Bednarski. 2004. Continued investigations into the range and population dynamics of six species of Kinosternids in Guatemala.

Bell, Zachary W. and Aya Narukiyo. 2024. Assessing the population, distribution, and threats to Geoemyda japonica.

Peñaranda, Barrios Efraín Miguel and Mario Cabrera. 2024. Community participatory pilot project for the conservation of the Chaco Side-necked Turtle, Acanthochelys pallidipectoris (Freiberg 1945) (Chelidae) by the Weenhayek-Tapiete indigenous people in Community Lands of Origin (TCO) of the Chaco Tarijeño of Bolivia – Phase III.

Dutta, Sreeparna and Arunima Singh. 2024. Investigating the home range of Crowned River Turtle (Hardella thurjii) to declare Sarju River as a Turtle Conservation Reserve in Uttar Pradesh, India.

Bower, Deborah. 2024. Quest for Kuchling’s Turtle.


49 proposals received, 20 funded
$87,576 granted

Guntoro, Joko and Farhan Naufal Siregar. 2023. An assessment of ten years conservation of Painted Terrapin in the District of Aceh Tamiang, Sumatra, Indonesia.

Rahman, Shahriar Caesar and Fahimuzzaman Nobel. 2023. Community-led reintroduction of captive-bred Asian Giant Tortoises (Manouria emys phayrei) in the Chittagong Hill Tracts, Bangladesh.

Carr, John L., Alan Giraldo, and Mónica Guerra. 2023. Surveys for Rhinoclemmys annulata in tropical forest habitats.

Rivas, Gilson, Tito Barros, Ángel L. Viloria, Tibisay Escalona, and Oscar Lasso. 2023. The Critically Endangered Zulia Toad-headed Sideneck (Mesoclemmys zuliae), an endemic chelonian of the swamps of the Lake Maracaibo basin.

Valenzuela, Sara Isabel Ceballos, Craig Stanford, and Gamaliel Castañeda. 2023. Population density of three Critically Endangered endemic freshwater turtles in the wetland complexes of the Cuatro Cienegas basin, northern Mexico.

Ranapaheli, Asmita, Niraj Regmi, Chhabi Thapa, Sadhana Shrestha, and Kamala Limbu. 2023. Status and existing threats to endangered Nilssonia hurum in wetlands of Morang district, Koshi province, Nepal.

Arbelaez, Fernando, Pearson McGovern, and Nabil Carihuasari. 2023. Community-based conservation program of three threatened Amazon River turtle species with indigenous communities of Colombia and Peru.

Maringa, Dominic, Hannah Mungai, Timothy Kaaria, and Francis Kobia. 2023. Building community conservancy collaboration to foster awareness and protection of critically endangered Pancake Tortoise.

Barrios, Efrain Miguel Peñaranda, and Mario Cabrera. 2023. Community participatory pilot project for the conservation of the Chaco side-necked turtle, Acanthochelys pallidipectoris (Freiberg 1945) (Chelidae) by Weenhayek-Tapiete indigenous people in Tierras Comunitaria de Origen (TCO) of the Tarijeño Chaco of Bolivia.

Augustine, Lauren, Valerie Corado Garcia, Diana Velásquez and Chris Bednarski. 2023. Continued investigations into the range and population dynamics of five species of Kinosternids in Guatemala.

Tesauro, Jason and Michelle Herman. 2023. Implementing an anti-poaching surveillance and predation monitoring for two critical Bog Turtle sites in eastern New York.

Luiselli, Luca, M. Behangana, James Kalema and J.E. Fa. 2023. Investigating the distribution and status of Kinixys erosa at the easternmost extent of its range: the Semliki rainforest in south-western Uganda (East Africa).

Borges, Luiz Henrique Medeiros and Mateus Gabriel Brito. 2023. Juruá Turtles, I Protect.

Monsiváis-Molina, Alejandra and Taggert Butterfield. 2023. Distribution and abundance of the Baja California Slider (Trachemys nebulosa) throughout its range.

Velosoa, Juliette and Noelikanto Ramamonjisoa. 2023. First hatchling translocation and radio-tracking of Erymnochelys madagascariensis individuals in the Ambondrobe Protected Area and the Manambolo watershed.

Pham, Van Thong and Ha Van Ngoan. 2023. Conservation and rewilding initiative for Palea steindachneri: Assessing distribution, genetic diversity, and habitat patterns in Na Hau NR and Van Chan District, Vietnam.

Pham, Anh Van, Sung Ba Nenh, and Dang Xuan Hoang. 2023. Enhancing conservation management and environmental awareness of local communities to save the Big-headed Turtle (Platysternon megacephalum) in Sop Cop Nature Reserve, Vietnam.

Augustine, Lauren, Valerie Corado Garcia, Diana Velásquez, and Chris Bednarski. 2023. Preliminary investigations into the range and population dynamics of five species of Kinosternids in northern Guatemala.

Naderi, Morteza, Ercan Sikdokur, Elif Çeltik, Kerim Çiçek, and Hanyeh Ghaffari. 2023. A community based conservation of Euphrates Softshell Turtle (Rafetus euphraticus) in south-eastern Turkey.

Hosseinian, Saeed and L. Lee Grismer. 2023. Conservation assessment and population size estimation of Testudo horsfieldii in Iran.


41 proposals received, 19 funded
$81,112 granted

Appiah-Badu, Kelvin and Stephen Ofori. 2022. Strengthening tortoise conservation in Ghana: An all-inclusive approach toward conserving the Critically Endangered Home’s Hinge-back Tortoise, Kinixys homeana in Ankasa Resource Reserve, Ghana.

Hidayat, Rahmat, Arbi Wiguna, and Tassya Awike Dwi Putri. 2022. Population status and distribution of Bornean River Turtle (Orlitia borneensis) in Zamrud National Park, Indonesia.

Gaillard, Daniel, Jeffrey Dawson, Tim McCormack, Ha Hoang. 2022. Assessing the current status of turtles and the feasibility of long-term research at Cat Tien National Park in southern Vietnam, with a focus on the Yellow-Headed Temple Turtle (Heosemys annandalii).

Ayerson, Anne-Marie D., Afua Amponsah Amankwaa, and Emmanuel Amoako. 2022. Community participatory approach in conserving Eroded Hinge-back Tortoise, Kinixys erosa in Bonkro Community Forest of Ghana.

Kubisch, Erika and María Eugenia Echave. 2022. Rescuing and generating knowledge for conservation of the southernmost tortoise of the world in Patagonia, Argentina.

Paden, Lance, Brett Bartek, Rick Hudson, Tantely Rasoarimanana, and Herilala Randriamahazo. 2022. Assessing Radiated Tortoise reintroduction strategies via thermoregulatory behavior.

Rabbe, Fazle and Fahmida Tasnim Liza. 2022. Population status, habitat preference, threat assessment and conservation issues of threatened turtles in Jamuna River of Bangladesh.

Dupuis-Desormeaux, Marc and Dominic Maringa. 2022. The survey, capture-mark-recapture and DNA collection of Pelomedusa neumanni (sp. nov.) on the Lewa, Leparua, Ilngwesi, Lekurki, Kalama and Nasuulu Wildlife Conservancy, Northern Kenya.

Diagne, Tomas and Awa Wade. 2022. The second African Scholarship Program.

Shepherd, Chris R. and Biofagri Ascadendria Rachmayuningtyas. 2022. Supporting efforts to end illegal trade in tortoises and freshwater turtles.

Páez, Vivian P. 2022. IUCN Red-list assessment workshops for Latin American tortoises and freshwater turtle species.

Herse, Mark R., George Gale, and Teerapong Pomun.  2022.  Community-led conservation of critically endangered big-headed turtles (Platysternon megacephalum) and riverine ecosystems in northern Thailand’s Mekong region.

Shrestha, Ashmita and Sabin Adhikari. 2022.  Raising turtles and tortoise species conservation awareness in Koshi Tappu Wildlife Reserve, Nepal.

Kyi Thar Khaing, Sapai Min, and Su Su Naing.  2022.  Investigating the population structure, habitat utilization and threats to the Black Marsh Turtle (Siebenrockiella crassicollis) in Tanintharyi Region, Myanmar using local ecological knowledge.

Singh, Shailendra and Saurabh Dewan.  2022.  Fourth strategic planning and IUCN Red-list Assessment meeting(s) for freshwater turtles and tortoises of India.

Bayrakci, Yusuf, Dinçer Ayaz, Kerim Cicek, Melodi Yenmis, Cemal Varol Tok, and Uwe Fritz.  2022.  Assessment of updated population status of Critically Endangered Eiselt’s Pond Turtle (Emys orbicularis eiselti).

Tshewang, Sangay, Pema Tobgay, and D.B. Gurung.  2022.  Assessing population, habitat use, and threat of Critically Endangered Elongated / Yellow Tortoise (Indotestudo elongata) outside protected areas in Sarpang district, Bhutan.

Cuadrado-Ríos, Sebastián and Mario Vargas-Ramírez.  2022.  Genetic conservation and phylogeography of endemic turtles of the South American Chocó: the Atrato Slider (Trachemys medemi) and the Dunn’s Mud Turtle (Kinosternon dunni).

Dakpogan, Chrystelle, Mariano Houngbedji, and Alfred Oga.  2022.  Conservation of Kinixys homeana in Gnanhouizounme community forest, southern Benin.


41 proposals received, 20 funded
$81,900 granted

Raphael, Bonnie L., Nikolaus Huber and Peter Praschag. 2021. Validation and use of a blood test, leukocyte coping capacity, in chelonians to measure the ability of white blood cells to respond to stressors.

Smith, Wesley O., Day B. Ligon, and Denise M. Thompson. 2021. Habitat use and movements of juveniles of the Critically Endangered turtle Dermatemys mawii Gray 1847.

Fokidis, H. Bobby and Sixto J. Inchaustegui. 2021. Assessment of ecology, threats and status of understudied Caribbean sliders (Trachemys spp.) using biochemical panels and environmental DNA.

Gallego-García, Natalia and Germán Forero. 2021. Implementing a genetic rescue program to reduce Dahl’s toad-headed turtle extinction risk.

Deepak, Veerappan, Uwe Fritz, Peter Christopher R and Jason Dominic Gerard. 2021. Population status of Nilssonia leithii in the rocky stretch of Cauvery River, Melagiri, Tamil Nadu, India.

Hernández, Juliana Gaviria and Claudia P. Ceballos . 2021. Distribution, morphology, reproduction, and conservation of a new turtle species, Trachemys medemi, endemic to Colombia.

Loc-Barragán, Jesús Alberto. 2021. Ecological Observations of Cora Mud Turtle (Kinosternon cora) in Nayarit and Sinaloa, Mexico.

Griffoen, Christel and Philipp Wagner. 2021. Pilot augmentation of Elongated Tortoise, Indotestudo elongata, in a protected area in Cambodia.

Dupuis-Desormeaux, Marc and Dominic Maringa. 2021. Survey, capture-mark-recapture and DNA collection of Pelomedusa neumanni (sp. nov.) on the Lewa Wildlife Conservancy, Meru County, Kenya.

Malonza, Patrick Kinyatta. 2021. The status of the introduced Pancake Tortoise Malacochersus tornieri (Seibenrock, 1903) population in Tsavo East National Park, Kenya.

Ignacio, Leroy.  2021.  Community-based monitoring and conservation of the Yellow-spotted River Turtle (Podocnemis unifilis) in the South Rupununi, Guyana.

Linh, Luong Thi Khanh.  2021.  Ecological and survival rate of post release Indochinese box turtle (Cuora galbinifrons) applying radio tracking in Xuan Lien Nature reserve, Vietnam.

Diagne, Tomas, Lamine Diagne, Pearson McGovern, Luca Luiselli and Fabio Petrozzi.  2021.  Senegal’s last Sulcata Tortoises (Centrochelys sulcata). Diagne, Tomas, Lamine Diagne, Pearson McGovern, Luca Luiselli and Fabio Petrozzi.  2021.  Senegal’s last Sulcata Tortoises (Centrochelys sulcata).

Singh, Shailendra, Sushmita Kar, Lalit Budhani and Rajeev Basumatary. 2021.  Building road to recovery of Asian Brown Tortoise (Manouria emys phayrei) in Nagaland, Northeast India.

Volahy, Anselme Toto.  2021.  Population and health assessment of the Madagascan flat-tailed tortoise (Pyxis planicauda) in the Menabe Antimena Protected Area.

Basyal, Chitra Rekha.  2021.  Diversity and status of the turtles in Betana Wetland, Morang, East Nepal with emphasis on Elongated Tortoise.

Gonzales Álvarez, Lucindo and Sandra Acebey.  2021.  Ecology and distribution of the Chaco Swamp Turtle Acanthochelys pallidipectoris (Chelonia, Chelidae) in southern Bolivia.

Ferrara, Camila and Rafael Leite.  2021. Fighting turtle´s illegal consumption. awareness campaign to halt the unauthorized trade.

Cunha, Fábio Andrew Gomes, Marcelo Andrade, Eduardo Campos and Tiago Lucena da Silva.  2021.  Species DD – Knowledge of natural history and ecology of two species of Amazon Chelids (Mesoclemmuys nasuta and Mesoclemmys wermuthi).

Regmi, Siddhartha and Samundra Bhandari.  2021.  Tricarinate hill turtle (Melanochelys tricarinata): A comprehensive study on the population characteristics, habitat preference, distribution, diet, threats and conservation in the buffer zone Chitwan National Park, Nepal.


53 proposals received, 19 funded
$80,490 granted

Dharwadkar, Sneha.  2020.  Conservation and management of the endemic Leith’s Softshell Turtle (Nilssonia leithii) in the Godavari River, Maharashtra, India.

Deepak, Veerappan, Uwe Fritz and Jason Dominic Gerard.   2020.  Population status of Pelochelys cantorii in Cauvery River, Tamil Nadu, India.

Petrozzi, Fabio, Edward M. Kohi and Vincent R. Nyirenda.  2020.  Investigating distribution, habitat use and status of the African Dwarf Mud Turtle (Pelusios nanus) in Tanzania and Zambia.

Ligon, Day, Denise Thompson, Donald McKinght, Nicholas Coppock and Cora Dyslin.  2020.  Activity and reproductive cycles of Central American River Turtles (Dermatemys mawii).

Nidup, Tshering.  2020.  Enhance research and conservation of Endangered Yellow-headed Tortoise – Indotestudo elongata (Blyth, 1853) in Phibsoo Wildlife Sanctuary, Sarpang: Bhutan.

Singh, Arunima and Sreeparna Dutta.  2020.  Understanding population dynamics and reproductive out-put of Crowned River Turtle (Hardella thurjii) along lower Sarju River, Uttar Pradesh, India.

Wilmet, Leslie and Juliette Velosoa.  2020.  An improved tracking method to investigate habitat use of the Critically Endangered Erymnochelys madagascariensis.

Cartagen-Otalváro, Viviana M., Diego Alzate-Estrada, Brian C. Bock and Vivian P. Páez.  2020.  Micro and macro scale demographics of Podocnemis lewyana in the Middle Magdalena River, Colombia.

Marlin, Jacob A., Andrew Walde, Paul P. Calle and Tracie Seimon.  2020.  Central American River Turtle (Dermatemys mawii) health screening in Belize.

Diagne, Tomas, Pearson McGovern, and Josea Dossou Bodjrenou.  2020.  The inaugural African Scholarship Program.

Reyes-Grajales, Eduardo and Wilfredo A. Matamoros Ortega. 2020.  Comprehensive study of the ecology and conservation of freshwater turtles in Chiapas.

Porter, Gracia Patricia Gonzales and Víctor Hugo Reynoso Rosales. 2020.  Freshwater turtles of the Xochimilco Wetland: searching for the endemic Kinosternon hirtipes hirtipes.

Lanusi, Asnim Alyoihana and Sheherazade.  2020.  Investigating the distribution of the Forsten’s Tortoise (Indotestudo forstenii).

Paré, Jean, Sarah Chaney, and Ny Aina Tiana Rakotoarisoa.  2020.  Veterinary capacity building workshop in Madagascar.

Wilmet, Leslie and Henri Rakotosalama.  2020.  Understanding the suitability of ‘mainland islands’ to protect the Critically Endangered Ploughshare Tortoise from extinction.

Meyr Razafy, Prisca.  2020.  Verification of Madagascar Big-headed turtle Erymnochelys madagascariensis presence in the northern part of the New Protected Area of Makay.

Raharisoa, Marie Wai-Line.  2020.  Assessment of the population of Erymnochelys madagascariensis in the lakes present inside the protected area of the corridor forestier bongolava.

Van Ha, Hoang, Nguyen Tai Thang, Tim McCormack, and Jack Carney.  2020.  Additional fund for Swinhoe’s softshell turtle (Rafetus swinhoei) trapping at Dong Mo Lake, northern Vietnam.

Lamprecht, Julia and Peter Praschag.  2020.  Research on reproductive ecology and habitat use of Acanthochelys pallidipectoris in the Dry Chaco for improving conservation strategies.

43 proposals received, 20 funded
$79,317 granted

Souza, Franco L.  2019.  Population structure of Mesoclemmys cf. vanderhaegei (Chelidae) in a karstic environment in the Brazilian Cerrado hotspot.

McKnight, Donald, Denise Thompson, and Day Ligon.  2019.  Population ecology and conservation of Dermatemys mawii in Belize.

Grajales, Eduardo Reyes.  2019.  Distribution and conservation status of Kinosternon abaxillare (Baur in Stejneger 1925).

Luiselli, Luca M.  2019.  Protecting eggs in the only-known nesting site of the almost extinct Cyclanorbis elegans in South Sudan.

Thornton, Sara and Mark Harrison.  2019.  Understanding distribution and threats to enhance conservation of the Bornean River Turtle (Orlitia borneensis) and other freshwater turtle species in Indonesian Borneo.

Vogt, Richard C. and Virginia Bernardes.  2019.  Do headstarted Podocnemis expansa survive better in the race to maturity than cold released hatchlings in RioTrombetas, Brazil, 6000 hatchlings 11 years later.

Ellsworth, Elyse D. and Cameron D. Siler.  2019.  Spatial ecology of the Central American River Turtle.

Carvajal-Cogollo, Juan E., Johana A. Muñoz-Castro and Olga Victoria Castaño-Mora.  Habitats occupancy, reproductive ecology and conservation of Podocnemis lewyana in the high Magdalena River.

Collins, Dave, James Liu, Nathanael Stanek, John (J.D.) Kleopfer, Liz Wiley, Mike Jones and Rodney J. Dyer.  2019.  Spotted Turtle and Bog Turtle conservation genetics:  Building a path from confiscation to conservation.

Petrozzi, Fabio, Emmanuel M. Hema, and Diamano Tankoama. 2019.  Conservation of the remnant population of Centrochelys sulcata in Burkina Faso through community participation and the creation of an inventory of the captive stock housed by local people.

Adum, Gilbert Baase and Ohene Boakye Adomako.  2019.  Inventory of chelonians towards the creation of Sui River Key Biodiversity Area.

Apodaca, J. J. and Michael Knoerr.  2019.  Recruitment augmentation for Bog Turtles in North Carolina, USA.

Wilmet, Leslie and Jeff Dawson.  2019.  Conducting a population, distribution and health assessment of Pyxis planicauda.

Bogan, Michael T. and Miguel Angel Grageda Garcia.  2019.  Analysis of the Sonoyta Mud Turtle population and habitat use in the Sonoyta River, Sonora, Mexico.

Gaillard, Daniel, Ben Anders, Jeffrey Dawson, Liu Lin, Shiping Gong, and Haitao Shi.  2019.  Phylogeography, ecology and genetic conservation of the Black-breasted Leaf Turtle (Geoemyda spengleri).

Andriantsimanarilafy, Raphali, Juliette Velosoa, Gerardo Garcia, Jelot Hernande, Daudet Andriafidison, and Julie Hanta Razafimanahaka.  2019.  Assessing the status of the big-headed turtle Erymnochelys madagascariensis and their habitats in north-western Madagascar – building local capacity at Lake Tseny.

López-Luna, Marco A., Armando H. Escobedo-Galván, Fabio G. Cupul-Magaña, Richard C. Vogt, and Gabriel Cruz-Morales.  2019.  Vallarta Mud Turtle (Kinosternon vogti): assessing populations, habitat and design strategies for education and conservation of a charismatic endangered mud turtle.

Ngwava, Jacob Mueti and Shi Haitao.  2019.  Reproductive ecology and conservation status of Pancake Tortoise (Malacochersus tornieri) (Siebenrock 1903) in the natural habitats in Kenya.

Papenfuss, Theodore J., Futsum Hagos, Kaleab Biemnet, and A. Ross Kiester.  2019.  Status of the Eritrean Helmeted Turtle (Pelomedusa gehafie).

Lizarro, David and Pamela Carvajal.  2019.  Conservation and management of Podocnemis expansa and Podocnemis unifilis in the Mamoré River, Beni, Bolivia.

57 proposals received, 16 funded
$68,454 granted

Lucas, Josh.  2018.  Development of a reintroduction strategy for Madagascar’s Critically Endangered Radiated Tortoise, Astrochelys radiatia.

Macip-Rios, Rodrigo.  2018.  Assessing the conservation status of Kinosternon hirtipes microendemic lineages using a population viability analysis.

Ligon, Day B., Denise M. Thompson, and Michael W. Tuma.  2018.  Population genetics and population status of the Pancake Tortoise (Malacochersus tornieri) in Eastern Africa.

Parham, James F. and W. Brian Simison.  2018.  New data on the origin and the validity of Data Deficient Mexican slider turtles.

Diagne, Tomas and Thomas Mfuntsankete.  2018.  First natural habitat and threats assessment of two freshwater turtle species in Africa (Pelusios upembae & Pelusios nanus) at Upemba National Park Shaba-Province/Democratic Republic of Congo/ Central Africa.

Rahman, Shahriar Caesar.  2018.  Mobilizing Government Agencies to Conserve the Critically Endangered Heosemys depressa and Manouria emys in Bangladesh.

McCormack, Tim, Hoang Van Ha, Nguyen Tai Thang and Ha Van Huong.  2018.   Intensive surveys for the Swinhoe’s softshell turtle(s) in northwestern Vietnam.

Vogt, Richard C. and Maria Fabiele Silva Oliverira.  2018.  Feasability of returning Podocnemis expansa adults to the wild, will the resident population accept them or not.

Kuchling, Gerald.  2018.  Bad taxonomy kills: a field survey to assess the conservation status of Chelodina kuchlingi Cann, 1997.

Kuchling, Gerald.  2018.  Artificial insemination of the last known female Rafetus swinhoei in China: developing best practice through training with Amyda ornata.

Hernandez, Omar.  2018.  Third course on ecology and conservation of freshwater turtles in Venezuela.

Luiselli, Luca, Tomas Diagne, and Gift Sarafadin Simon.  2018.  Assessing the distribution of an almost extinct freshwater turtle: Cyclanorbis elegans in South Sudan, where it was rediscovered thanks to a TCF grant.

Petrozzi, Fabio and Emmanuel M. Hema.  2018.  Investigating distribution and density of Centrochelys sulcata in Mali (West Africa): towards a potential distribution map for this species.

Light, Christine.  2018.  Conservation of the endemic chelonians of Sulawesi: Sulawesi Forest Turtle (Leucocephalon yuwonoi) and Forsten’s Tortoise (Indotestudo forstenii).  

Velosoa, Juliette.  2018.  Nest protection and population evaluation of Erymnochelys madagascariensis at Lake Ambondrobe. 

Diagne, Tomas and Drissa Kone.  2018.  Post release monitoring of sixteen (16) Home’s hingeback tortoises at Azagny National Park-Southern Region/ Cote D’Ivoire, West Africa. 

48 proposals received, 19 funded
$73,300 granted

Loehr, Victor J.T. and Margaretha D. Hofmeyr.  2017.  Ecology of the Karoo dwarf tortoise, Homopus boulengeri.

Luiselli, Luca, Tomas Diagne, and Gift Sarafadin Simon.  2017.  Turtle and tortoise conservation in South Sudan: getting the floor for research networking and collection of preliminary data.

Thong, Pham Van, Torsten Blanck, Thao A Tung and Tran Van Dzung.  2017.  A computer modeling and interview survey combination to find the existence of the turtle from “nowhere” – Zhou’s box turtle (Cuora zhoui Zhao, Zhou & Ye, 1990).

Keeler, Harold, Jr. and Jason Tesauro.  2017.  Restoring habitat for the bog turtle (Glyptemys muhlenbergii) in Dutchess County, New York.

Petrov, Kristen and Ricky Spencer.  2017.  Recovery of the Bellinger River snapping turtle, Myuchelys georgesi.

Walker, Ryan C.J. and Riana Rakotondrainy.  2017.  Long term monitoring of the last remaining populations of radiated tortoise, Astrochelys radiata, and the spider tortoise, Pyxis arachnoides, in southern Madagascar.

Bishop, Nicole and Ray Carthy.  2017.  Captive breeding for the conservation of the Critically Endangered Central American river turtle, Dermatemys mawii.

Shirley, Matthew H. and Emilie Fairet.  2017.  Capacity-building as a platform for the identification of Kinixys conservation needs in the upper Guinea forests.

Currylow, Andrea and Herilala Randriamahazo.  2017.  Development of a “template” for the repatriation of wild radiated tortoises across southern Madagascar.

Alcalde, Leandro and María Julia Cassano.  2017.  Ecology, population genetics and distribution of Acanthochelys pallidipectoris across the species range in the Dry and Humid Chaco Eco-regions from Argentina.

Chen, Pelf-Nyok.  2017.  A survey to assess the current nesting density and conservation status of Batagur affinis in Pahang, Malaysia.

Stanford, Craig and Gamaliel Castañeda.  2017.  A survey and census of Terrapene coahuila in the wetlands of Cuatro Cienegas, Coahuila, Mexico.

Diagne, Tomas and Lamine Diagne.  2017.  Post release monitoring of twenty (20) sub adults Centrochelys sulcata tortoises in the Koyli Alpha Natural Refuge-Western Ferlo Region/ Senegal, West Africa.

Vogt, Richard.  2017.  Do headstarted Podocnemis expansa survive better in the race to maturity than cold released hatchlings in Rio Trombetas, Brazil, 6000 hatchlings 11 years later.

Ghosh, Rupali.  2017.  Satellite telemetry to locate remnant nesting locations of the Sundarbans Terrapin, Batagur baska, in Bangladesh.

Singh, Shailendra and Nariman Vazifdar.  2017.  Strengthening the monitoring program for successful recovery of Red-Crowned Roof Turtle (Batagur kachuga) in Chambal River, India.

Anadon, Jose D., Rosalinda Palomo-Ramos, Andres Giménez, Eva Graciá, and Jorge Luis Becerra López.  2017.  Detailed distribution and abundance cartography of the entire range of Gopherus flavomarginatus and impact of intensive land use changes.

McCormack, Tim, Le Duc Minh, Hoang Van Ha, Nguyen Tai Thang, and Hoang Tung Duong.  2017.  Confirming of additional individuals of Rafetus swinhoei in the wild and sexing the Dong Mo Turtle.

Bo Bo Kyaw and Steven G. Platt.  2017.  Repatriation of confiscated Big-headed Turtles (Platysternon megacephalum) to a protected stream in Myanmar.

32 proposals received, 15 funded
$64,745 granted

Petrozzi, Fabio, Emmanuel Hema and Laurent Chirio. 2016. A combination of field surveys and extensive interview campaigns to investigate distribution and local abundance of Centrochelys sulcata populations in Mali, Niger (West Africa).

Schoppe, Sabine, Kenneth Conley and Charles Innis. 2016. Histopathologic evaluation of Palawan forest turtles (Siebenrockiella leytensis) confiscated from the illegal wildlife trade.

Hernandez, Omar. 2016. First course of ecology and conservation of freshwater turtles in Venezuela: Directed to university students.

Eisemberg, Carla, Fernanda Freda and Virginia Campos Diniz Bernardes. Podocnemis expansa nesting management, sandbank protection prioritization and environmental awareness at the Rio-Trombetas Biological Reserve.

Dharwadkar, Sneha and Shailendra Singh. 2016. Sustaining the distribution mapping and threat assessment of Leith’s softshell turtle (Nilssonia leithii) along the River Kali, Karnataka, India.

Vogt, Richard C. 2016. Migration and habitat use of head started hatchling Podocnemis expansa in Rio Trombetas, Para, Brazil.

Marlin, Jacob. 2016. A Film to Raise Conservation Awareness for the Plight of the Hicatee, Dermatemys mawii, in Belize.

Randrianjafizanaka, Tahafe Soary and Herilala Randriamahoazo. 2016. Reintroduction program and population monitoring of radiated tortoises (Astrochelys radiata) at two important sites of Transfert de Gestion (TGRN) , sis à Tanindranto et Malangiriake / CR Itampolo in southwestern of Madagascar.

Agyekumhene, Andrews and Phil Allman. 2016. Community engagement as a tool for research and conservation of endangered hingeback tortoises in southern Ghana.

Mandimbihasina, Angelo Ramy and Steeves Buckland. 2016. Protection and monitoring of the Critically Endangered ploughshare tortoise (Astrochelys yniphora) during a poaching crisis.

Bock, Brian C and Vivian P. Páez. 2016. Protection of nesting females and quantification of re-nesting frequency in the Critically Endangered Magdalena River turtle (Podocnemis lewyana).

Juvik, James O. 2016. The distribution and status of the Nama Padloper (Homopus solus) in Southwestern Namibia.

Palomo-Ramos, Rosalinda, Judith V. Ríos-Arana and Ana Gatica-Colima. 2016. Assessing habitat suitability for the potential reintroduction of the Bolson tortoise Gopherus flavomarginatus in the Mapimi Bolson, Mexico.

McCormack, Tim, Hoang Van Ha, Pham Van Thong, and Nguyen Tai Thang. 2016. Intensive survey at priority sites to confirm additional individuals of the world’s rarest turtle.

Kuchling, Gerald. 2016. Planning a facility to raise captive-bred ploughshare tortoises or Angonoka (Astrochelys yniphora) under semi-wild conditions in north-western Madagascar.

48 proposals received, 17 funded
$65,200 granted

Folt, Brian, David Steen, and Craig Guyer.  2015.  Population demographics of Rhinoclemmys funerea and Kinosternon leucostomum at La Selva Biological Station, Costa Rica, and a comprehensive survey for Kinosternon angustipons.

Soto, Aníbal Farabundo Ramírez.  2015.  Protecting and restoring habitat of Dermatemys mawii in Alvarado Lagoon System, Veracruz, Mexico.

Singh, Shailendra.  2015.  Conservation Action Planning Workshop for Indian Freshwater Turtles and Tortoises.

Bawa, Sulemana.  2015.  Current Status and Distribution of the Nubian Flapshell Turtle in Mole National Park, Northern Ghana.

Kiester, Ross and Tanya Berger-Wolf.  2015.  Biometric Id of Individual Geometric Tortoises.

Wilson, John-James, Cheah Men How, Chen Pelf Nyok, and Alexandra Zieritz.  2015.  Tracking the critically endangered Southern River Terrapin (Batagur affinis) through environmental DNA.

Agyekumhene, Andrews and Phil Allman.  2015.  Community education and expansion of traditional protection for Kinixys homeana and Kinixys erosa in communities surrounding Kakum National Park and Pra Suhien Forest Reserve.

Leynaud, Gerardo C. and Pamela G. Vallejo Claure.  2015.  Conservation of the Chaco Tortoise (Chelonoidis chilensis) in Central Argentina: Evaluation of commercial use and population studies as baseline for implementing management actions.

Rahman, Shahriar Caesar.  2015.  EcoGuardian Program: A Model for Turtle Hunting Mitigation in the Chittagong Hill Tracts, Bangladesh.

Hekkala, Evon, Nathanael Stanek, and Tomas Diagne.  2015.  The conservation genetics and phylogeography of Kinixys homeana and K. erosa

Luiselli, Luca M., Godfrey C. Akani, and Daniele Dendi.  2015.  Assessing the effects of Ebola virus on the consumption of the Critically Endangered/Endangered forest Kinixys populations in bushmeat markets of the Niger Delta (Nigeria). 

Connell, Marilyn, Hamish Campbell, Andrew McDougall, and Adrian Ros.  2015.  Determine if a community driven nest protection initiative has resulted in increased recruitment for the Mary River turtle (Elusor macrurus). 

Woolaver, Lance and Andrea Currylow.  2015.  Protection and monitoring of the ploughshare tortoise Astrochelys yniphora in the wild. 

Walker, Ryan, David Mifsud, Riana Rakotondrainy, Andrea Currylow, and Soary Randrianjafizanaka.  2015.  The spider tortoise long term population monitoring and participatory conservation project, southwest Madagascar. 

Singh, Shailendra.  2015.  Conserving black-softshell turtle species, Nilssonia nigricans in Assam, north-east India. 

Jones, Michael T., Lisabeth L. Willey, Thomas Akre, Rodrigo Macip Rios, Erika Gonzalez, and Luis Diaz Gamboa.  2015.  Community-based conservation of the Yucatán box turtle (Terrapene yucatana), phase II. 

Katala Foundation (Sabine Schoppe).  2015.  Emergency Recovery effort for confiscated Philippine Forest Turtles,  Siebenrockiella leytensis 

52 proposals received, 20 funded
$80,800 granted

Baker, Patrick J.  2014.  Identifying critical habitat for the Nubian flapshell, Cyclanorbis elegans, in Ethiopia: a survey of Baro and Gilo Rivers.

Luiselli, Luca M., Godfrey C. Akani, Fabio Petrozzi, and Gabriel H. Segniagbeto.  2014.  Expanding towards West Africa: Conservation ecology of the Critically Endangered/Endangered forest Kinixys populations in the ‘Bas-Sassandra – Region’; Ivory Coast.

Ramírez-Soto, Anibal Farabundo.  2014.  Protecting and restoring habitat of Dermatemys mawii in Alvarado Lagoon System, Veracruz, Mexico. 

Woolaver, Lance, and Andrea Currylow.  2014.  Sustaining support for protection and monitoring of the ploughshare tortoise (Astrochelys yniphora) in the wild. 

Baker, Patrick J., and Jacob Mueti.  2014.  A habitat suitability map for the Turkana mud turtle (Pelusios broadleyi): Assessing current distribution and the impact of fluctuating lake levels on an Endangered, endemic species. 

Minh Le and Tim McCormack.  2014.  A survey of the Critically Endangered Vietnam pond turtle using environmental DNA approach. 

McCormack, Timothy, Pham Van Thong, Nguyen Thi Thuy, and Nguyen Tai Thang. 2014. Habitat improvements and protection for the only known wild population of the world’s rarest turtle – Rafetus swinhoei

Agyekumhene, Andrews and Phil Allman.  2014.  A formal assessment of the relative abundance and protection status of Kinixys homeana and Kinixys erosa in Kakum National Park and Muni-Pomadze Lagoon Ramsar Site. 

Randriamahazo, Herilala, Andrea F. Currylow, and Soary Randrianjafizanaka.  2014.  Investigation of temporary captive management and repatriation strategies of radiated tortoises for reintroduction in Madagascar. 

Kuchling, Gerald, Rao Dingqi, and Lu Shunqing.  2014.  Continuing the trapping of Rafetus swinhoei in the upper Red River, Yunnan, China. 

Amoako, Emmanuel. 2014. The Ecology and Conservation of vulnerable Home’s Hinge-back Tortoise (Kinixys homeana) in in Bobiri Forest Reserve.

Haislip, Nathan.  2014.  Cuora Complex construction at the Turtle Survival Alliance Turtle Survival Center. 

Gaillard, Daniel and Luo Shujin.  2014.  Searching for ghosts: Locating the last populations of Mauremys nigricans

Muithui, Lucy Wamuyu.  2014.  Genetic variability of pancake tortoise (Malacochersus tornieri) populations in Kenya. 

Mwaya, Reginald Theodor, and Richard Kisasembe.  2014.  Conservation awareness and development of ecotourism for the pancake tortoise (Malacochersus tornieri) at the Vilima Vitatu (Three Hills) Village, Tanzania. 

Tuma, Michael W.  2014.  Range-wide population status, genetics, and conservation of the pancake tortoise (Malacochersus tornieri) in east Africa. 

Singh, Shailendra and Saurav Gawan.  2014.  Employing sonic telemetry and community based patrolling in conservation strategy for the Critically Endangered red-crowned roofed turtle, Batagur kachuga, in National Chambal Sanctuary.  

Rahman, Shahriar Caesar.  2014.  Mro tortoise guardian program: a model for turtle hunting mitigation in the Chittagong Hill Tracts, Bangladesh. 

Currylow, Andrea F. and Ryan C.J. Walker.  2014.  Sustaining the monitoring and safeguarding efforts for Madagascar’s Critically Endangered tortoises. 

Velosoa, Juliette.  2014.  The release of captive bred Madagascar side-necked turtles Erymnochelys madagascariensis at Lake Ravelobe.

74 proposals received, 27 funded
$90,919 granted

Rahman, Maksudur. 2013. A study on calipee trade of Critically Endangered Pelochelys cantorii in Bangladesh.

Adomako, Ohene Boakye and Gilbert Adum Baase. 2013.  Field surveys for the Threatened Hinge-backed Tortoises (Kinixys homeana and K. erosa) in the Tano-Offin Forest Reserve, Ghana.

Ahmed, M. Fireoz, Abhijit Das, and Jayanta Kumar Roy.  2013.  Status, distribution and ecology of the keeled box turtle, Cuora mouhotii in Dibang Valley, Arunachal Pradesh, India.

Jones, Michael T., Lisabeth L. Willey, Thomas S.B. Akre, Erika Gonzalez, and Rodrigo Macip-Rios.  Conservation of Coc Ac, or Yucatán box turtle (Terrapene carolina yucatana): a multidisciplinary collaboration at the community and landscape level, phase I proposal: 2014. 

Mifsud, David A.  2013.  Habitat assessment, species distribution, and threats of imperiled southern African Kinixyx

Reed, Renae and Adam Gilles.  2013.  Quantifying an active population of Central America’s rarest turtle, Kinosternon angustipons

Duplant, Grégory and Herilala Randriamahazo.  2013.  Expanding TSA’s confiscation to reintroduction strategy for the radiated tortoise in southern Madagascar. 

Wang Jian.  2013.  A chelonian survey of Daweishan National Nature Reserve, Yunnan, China with an emphasis on Rafetus swinhoei, Cuora spp. and Manouria impressa.

Singh, Shailendra and Ashutosh Tripathi.  2013.  Evaluating and refining conservation interventions for the Endangered Indian narrow-headed softshell turtle (Chitra indica) along the Chambal – Yamuna River system, India. 

Currylow, Andrea F.  2013.  Capacity building through incentivized conservation: sustaining ecological monitoring and safeguarding of southern Madagascar’s Critically Endangered tortoises.

Petrozzi, Fabio, Gabriel H. Segniagbeto, and Luca M. Luiselli.  2013. A pilot study to investigate distribution and density of Centrochelys sulcata populations in West Africa: analysis of population status in Burkina Faso. 

Luiselli, Luca M., Godfrey C. Akani, Fabio Petrozzi, and Gabriel H. Segniagbeto.  2013.  Evaluating population sizes of the Critically Endangered/Endangered forest Kinixys populations in protected areas of Ghana and Nigeria. 

Alcalde, Leandro, Julieta Sanchez, and Mario C. Bravi.  2013.  Ecology, population genetics and distribution of Acanthochelys pallidipectoris across the species range in the dry and humid Chaco Eco-regions from Argentina. 

Raphael, Bonnie L., T. Seimon, Brian Horne, Steve Platt, and Paul M. Gibbons.  2013.  Health screening of Burmese star tortoises (Geochelone platynota) prior to release into the wild from captive rearing facilities in Myanmar. 

van Dijk, Peter Paul, Tomas Diagne, Luca Luiselli, Brian Horne, and Anders Rhodin.  2013.  Red List assessment workshop for tortoises and freshwater turtles of Sub-Saharan Africa. 

Platt, Kalyar, Steven G. Platt, and Me Me Soe.  2013.  A survey to determine the conservation status of Geochelone platynota and other chelonians in Shwe U Daung Wildlife Sanctuary, Myanmar.

Forero-Medina, German, and Camila R. Ferrara.  2013.  1st workshop for developing a regional monitoring program for the giant South American river turtle, Podocnemis expansa

Eisemberg, Carla, Keith Christian, and Bertanizo Guro.  2013.  Assessment of Chelodina mccordi current status and community awareness along the Irasequiro River, Timor Leste. 

Diagne, Tomas.  2013.  Exploring the ecology and population biology of two declining turtles, Cyclanorbis elegans, Cyclanorbis senegalensis in West-central Nigeria and South Sudan (sub-saharan Africa). 

Horne, Brian D.  2013.  A trial release of head-started southern river terrapin, Batagur affinis, in southern Cambodia. 

Woolaver, Lance, and Andrea F. Currylow.  2013.  Protection and ecological monitoring of the ploughshare tortoise Astrochelys yniphora in the wild. 

Requena, Elmar.  2013.  Raising national awareness of the hicatee (Dermatemys mawii) and support for its protection in Belize. 

Schoppe, Sabine.  2013.  In-situ conservation of repatriated and wild populations of Siebenrockiella leytensis through the establishment of a protected area. 

McCormack, Timothy, Pham Van Thong, Nguyen Thi Thuy, Sarah Wahl, and Nguyen Tai Thang.  2013.  Keeping the legend alive: research and conservation of Rafetus swinhoei in Vietnam. 

Velosoa, Juliette.  Community led nest monitoring and protection of Erymnochelys madagascariensis at the Lake Ambondrobe New Protected Area. 

Kuchling, Gerald, Rao Dingqi, and Lu Shunqing.  2013.  Trapping and rescuing Rafetus swinhoei in the upper Red River, Yunnan, China. 

Kyaw Moe, Kalyar Platt, Khin Myo Myo, Win Ko Ko, Me Me Soe, and Steven G. Platt.  2013.  Conservation of the Burmese roofed turtle (Batagur trivittata) along the upper Chindwin River of Myanmar.

51 proposals received, 18 funded
$81,955 granted

Castellano, Christina, Liz Ball, Kate Freund, Charles Huang, Zegeye Kibret, and Taldi Walter.  2012. Conservation through education: Saving the Sokake of southern Madagascar. 

Yoeung Sun, Doug Tangkor, and Sean Kin.  2012.  Cantor’s giant softhsell turtle conservation project. 

Win Ko Ko, Steven G. Platt, and Kalyar Platt.  2012.  Ecological study of the Arakan Forest turtle (Heosemys depressa) in the Rakhine Yoma Elephant Sanctuary, Myanmar. 

Platt, Kalyar, Steven G. Platt, Khin Myo Myo, and Me Me Soe.  2012.  A chelonian inventory of Lampi Island National Park, Myanmar with an emphasis on Batagur affinis and Manouria emys

Velosoa, Juliette.  2012.  Post-release monitoring of Erymnochelys madagascariensis in Lake Ankomakoma and the Andranohobaka River, Ankarafantsika National Park. 

Smith, Dustin, and Frank Ridgley.  2012.  Lamanai hicatee conservation initiative.

Mifsud, David A.  2012.  Kinixys Conservation Blueprint: a comprehensive assessment to ensure the future of the genus. 

Woolaver, Lance.  2012.  Improving the captive husbandry and health care of Astrochelys yniphora in Madagascar. 

McCormack, Timothy, Nguyen Thi Thu Thuy, and Pham Thi Thu Hien.  2012.  Initiatives to increase enforcement and awareness to protect the endemic turtles of central Vietnam.

Sirsi, Shashwat, Gowri Mallapur, and Shailendra Singh.  2012.  Distribution mapping and status assessment of Leith’s softshell turtle (Nilssonia leithii) in Peninsular India. 

Hudson, Rick.  2012.  Launching the TSA’s Turtle Survival Center. 

Lescher, Timothy C.  2012.  The distribution, movement, and conservation of the Critically Endangered Southeast Asian narrow-headed softshell turtle (Chitra chitra) in Sumatra.

Kyaw Moe, Khin Myo Myo, Win Ko Ko, and Steven G. Platt.  2012.  Integrated  conservation of the Burmese roofed turtle, Batagur trivittata in Nam Thalet Chaung, Myanmar.

Platt, Kalyar, Steven G. Platt, and Me Me Soe.  2012.  A survey to determine the conservation status of Geochelone platynota in Alaungdaw Kathapa and Mahamyaing National Parks, Myanmar.

Chen, Pelf-Nyok.  2012.  Research and conservation of southern river terrapin (Batagur affinis) in the Kemaman River, Terengganu, Malaysia.

Velosoa, Juliette.  2012.  Nest monitoring and protection of Erymnochelys madagascariensis at Lake Ambondrobe.

Currylow, Andrea F., and Mbolatiana Ranaivoarivelo.  2012.  Monitoring and conservation of wild Astrochelys to evaluate protected reintroduction efforts.

Randriamahazo, Herilala, Tahafe Soary Randrianjafizanaka and Sylvain Mahazotahy. 2012.  Development of reintroduction techniques and population monitoring of Radiated Tortoises (Astrochelys radiata) at two important Turtle Survival Alliance sites in southern Madagascar:  Ampotaka and Antsakoamasy.

62 proposals received, 18 funded
$76,405 granted

Chen, Pelf-Nyok and Eng-Heng Chan.  2011.  Production and distribution of awareness posters and various educational materials for the critically endangered southern river terrapin (Batagur affinis).

Louis, Edward E., Ryan C. J. Walker, Tsilavo Hasina Rafeliarisoa, and Andrea F. Currylow.  Survey and monitoring of the radiated tortoise, Astrochelys radiata, and the spider tortoise, Pyxis arachnoides, in southern Madagascar.

Ball, Liz, Kate Freund, Charles Huang, Zegeye Kibret, and Taldi Walter.  2011.  Saving Sokake from the ground up: Education and outreach for the endemic radiated tortoise of Madagascar.

Kyaw Moe, Khin Myo Myo and Win Ko Ko (Wildlife Conservation Society).  2011.  Population assessment and conservation of Batagur trivittata in the tributaries of the upper Chindwin River, Myanmar.

Platt, Kalyar, Me Me Soe and Khin Myo Myo (Turtle Survival Alliance and Wildlife Conservation Society).  2011.  Population assessment of Batagur baska in Mon State and Tanintharyi Division of southern Myanmar.

Walker, Ryan, Al Harris, Riana Rakotondrainy and Kame Westerman.  2011.  The southwest Madagascar participatory spider tortoise monitoring and conservation project.

Velosoa, Juliette.  2011.  Nest protection and population evaluation of Erymnochelys madagascariensis at Lake Ambondrobe.

McCormack, Tim and Pham Van Thong.  2011.  New surveys for Swinhoe’s softshell turtle in Laos and conservation action at sites in northern Vietnam.

Platt, Kalyar, Steven G. Platt and Me Me Soe (Wildlife Conservation Society and Turtle Survival Alliance).  2011.  Technical assistance for the Turtle Rescue Facility in Lashio, Myanmar.

Schoppe, Sabine.  2011.  Community-based conservation of the Palawan-endemic Philippine forest turtle Siebenrockiella leytensis through information education.

Khin Myo Myo, Win Ko Ko, Myint Myint Oo, Kaw Moe, and Steven G. Platt (Wildlife Conservation Society).  2011.  Conservation outreach program in communities surrounding Minzontaung Wildlife Sanctuary, Myanmar.

Páez, Vivian P, Laura del Pilar Echeverri Garcia, and Ezequiel González León2011.  Demographic status of populations of Podocnemis lewyana under different levels of hunting pressure in the middle Magdalena drainage, Colombia.

Velosoa, Juliette.  2011.  Social and environmental management plan for the creation of the new protected area at Lake Ambondrobe for the conservation of Erymnochelys madagascariensis.

Kuchling, Gerald, Lu Shunqing and Rao Dingqi.  2011.  Identification and survey of Rafetus swinhoei in Yunnan, China.

Guntoro, Joko.  2011.  Survey to estimate the population of painted terrapin (Batagur borneoensis) in Aceh Tamiang District, Province Aceh, Indonesia.

Kuchling, Gerald, Nantarika Chansue, and Lu Shunqing.  2011.  Reproductive evaluation of the last male and artificial insemination of the last female Yangtze giant softshell turtle Rafetus swinhoei in China.

McLoughlin, Lee.  2011.  Nationwide outreach campaign to prevent extinction of Dermatemys mawii (hicatee turtle) in Belize.

Vinke, Thomas and Sabine Vinke.  2011.  Red-listing workshop “chelonians of the sourthern cone of South America”, 11 – 15 April 2011, Filadelfia, Chaco, Paraguay.

55 proposals received, 17 funded
$89,923 granted

Zhang Fang.  2010.  Action plan for the conservation of the golden-headed box turtle under the community participation.

Louis, Edward E., Tsilavo Hasina Rafeliarisoa, Susie McGuire, and Tahiana Andriananjamanantsoa. 2010.  Conservation of the radiated tortoise (Astrochelys radiata): Pilot program development through community training and educational outreach at Lavavolo Classified Forest, Madagascar.

Garcia, Natalia Gallego. 2010.  Home range and habitat use of Podocnemis lewyana as baseline for new management actions in the Sinu River.

Li Fei, Wang Hesheng, Jay Wan, Bosco Chan, and Michael Lau.  2010.  Preliminary survey on the status of Cuora galbinifrons, Cuora trifasciata, Pelochelys cantorii and other threatened turtle species at Yinggeling Nature Reserve, Hainan Island, China; and to adopt effective protection measures and awareness raising outreach activities in surrounding communities.

McCormack, Tim, Hoang Van Ha, and Pham Van Thong.  2010.  Mapping priority areas for Swinhoe’s turtle (Rafetus swinhoei) in northern Vietnam and sonar surveys to confirm presence.

Walker, Ryan, Tsilavo Rafeliarisoa, and Richard Razatimanatsoa.  2010.  The southern Madagascar tortoise conservation project (phase three).

Minh Le, and Tim McCormack.  2010.  Population survey to safeguard the Critically Endangered Cuora galbinifrons in northern and central Vietnam.

Pelf-Nyok Chen, and Eng-Heng Chan.  2010.  Determining the performance of head-started southern river terrapins (Batagur affinis) in the Setiu River, Terengganu, Malaysia.

Win Ko Ko, Khin Myo Myo, and Kyaw Moe (Wildlife Conservation Society Myanmar Program).  2010.  Study on the present status of Batagur trivittata and other endemic species in upper Ayeyawady River (Between the Myitkyina and Bahmaw town) in Kachin State in Myanmar.

Win Ko Ko, Khin Myo Myo and Kyaw Moe (Wildlife Conservation Society).  2010.  Study on the present status of Batagur trivittata and other endemic chelonian species in the Shweli River, a tributary of the Ayeyarwady River in the Shan State, Myanmar.

Win Ko Ko, Khin Myo Myo, Myint Myint Oo and Kyaw Moe (Wildlife Conservation Society).  2010.  Integration of the education activities of the Turtle Team with the Mobile Education Team of the Hukaung Tiger Reserve for a Collaborative Conservation Education Program on the upper Chindwin River between Htamanthi Village and Khamti Town.

Platt, Steven, Kalyar Platt, Win Ko Ko and Khin Myo Myo (Wildlife Conservation Society).  2010.  A proposal to assess the potential for reintroducing Geochelone platynota at three sites in central Myanmar.

Drummond, Glaucia Moreira, Marcos Eduardo Coutinho and Carla C. Eisemberg.  2010.  Investigation of the occurrence of Mesoclemmys hogei (Testudines: Chelidae) in the Paraíba do Sul River Basin (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Randriamahazo, Herilala.  2010  Tackle tortoise consumption problem at its root by establishing an education center focused on radiated tortoise.

Oliva, Milena, Brad Lock and Daniel Ariano.  2010.  Evaluation of the distribution, population density and habitat quality of the Central American river turtle (Dermatemys mawii) on the Sarstun River, Izabal.

Lipman, Alison and Lisandro Saucedo Mendia.  2010.  A sustainable model for conservation of Podocnemis turtles: a collaboration of science, government, community management, and eco-tourism in Parquue Nacional Noel Kempff Mercado, Bolivia.

Horne, Brian D.  2010.  A workshop on the conservation of large river turtles in the genus Batagur.

73 proposals received, 20 funded
$100,912 granted

Attum, Omar.  2009.  A local community and science based approach to conserving the critically endangered Egyptian tortoise.

Caccone, Adalgisa and Flanagan, Joe.  2009.  Rescuing two giant Galapagos tortoise species from extinction.

Giustiniano, Danielle.  2009.  Paternity, sperm storage and sperm competition in the critically endangered western swamp tortoise, Pseudemydura umbrina

Som, Sitha; Chey, Koulang; Sun, Yoeung; Kim, Chamnan; Kheng, Sokhorn; and Sitha, Prum.  2009.  Community-based nest protection for Cantor’s giant softshell turtle in the Mekong River, Cambodia. 

Rashid, S.M.A.  2009.  Survey of Batagur baska in the Sunderbans, Bangladesh. 

Ihlow, Flora and Böhme, Wolfgang.  2009.  Release study of Indotestudo elongata in the Kulen Promtep Wildlife Sanctuary in the Northern Plains of Cambodia with regards to the species’ ecology and natural history. 

Walker, Ryan and Rakotondrainy, Riana.  2009.  Range-wide population density survey of the mid range Madagascar spider tortoise (Pyxis arachnoides arachnoides); incorporating GIS application into conservation planning. 

McCormack, Tim; Ha, Hoang Van; and Nhan, Nguyen Chi.  2009.  Ensuring a future for the Vietnamese pond turtle: Establishing the Mauremys annamensis conservation project (MAP), in central Vietnam.

Kholis, Munawar.  2009.  Painted terrapin (Callagur borneoensis) distribution and status in northern Sumatra, Indonesia.

Tri, Ly; Thinh, Phung Ba; Huy, Hoang Duc; Stuart Bryan L.; and Huy, Hoang Duc.  2009.  Surveys to find the southern Vietnamese box turtle (Cuora picturata) in the wild.

Velosoa, Juliette.  2009.  Post-release monitoring of Madagascan side-necked turtles Erymnochelys madagascariensis in Ankarafantsika National Park.

Vogt, Richard, C.  2009.  Methods for studying freshwater turtles:  research, conservation, and management (graduate level field course).

Khin Myo Myo, Win Ko Ko and Kyaw Moe.  2009.  A survey on the conservation status of Heosemys depressa and other chelonian species occurring in eastern regions of Rakhine Yoma Elephant Range.

Kyaw Moe, Win Ko Ko and Khin Myo Myo. 2009.  In-situ conservation of Batagur trivittata in Upper Chindwin River and survey and threat assessment for chelonian species in adjoining areas of Htamanthi Wildlife Sanctuary.

Riyanto, Awal.  2009.  Habitat characteristic, distribution, natural history and current status of Leucocephalon yuwonoi in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia.

Eisemberg, Carla C., Kate Hodges, and Arthur Georges.  2009.  Grassroots environmental education in the Kikori Delta, Papua New Guinea.

Kuchling, Gerald and Rick Hudson.  2009.  Facilitating reproduction for the last pair of captive Rafetus in China.

Schoppe, Sabine and Diverlie D. Acosta.  2009.  Husbandry of Siebenrockiella leytensis (Taylor, 1920) in its only range country assurance colony.

Sovannara, Heng.  2009.  The Batagur conservation project, Cambodia.

Rainwater, Thomas R., Steve G. Platt, and Rick Hudson.  2009.  Status, distribution, and exploitation of the Critically Endangered Central American river turtle (Dermatemys mawii) in Belize.

53 proposals received, 21 funded
$102,663 granted

Caccone, Adalgisa.  2008.  Extinction may not be forever: rescuing Lonesome George lineage.

Gong Shiping, Shi Haitao, and Jiang Aiwu.  2008.  A survey on the status of red-necked pond turtle (Chinemys nigricans), a neglected endangered species in Guangdong and Guangxi, South China.

Alacs, Erika; Georges, Arthur; Kuchling, Gerald and Rhodin, Anders, GJ.  2008.  Phylogenetics and genetic guidelines for the captive breeding of the critically endangered snake-necked turtle Chelodina mccordi.

Walker, Ryan; Woods-Ballard, Andy; and Castellano, Christina.  2008.  Range-wide survey of the Madagascar spider tortoise (Pyxis arachnoides); incorporating GIS application into conservation planning.

Castellano, Christina, M.; Doody, Sean; Rakotondrainy, Riana; and Randriamahazo, Herilala.  2008.  Ecology and conservation of the Critically Endangered Madagascar spider tortoise (Pyxis arachnoides oblonga) at Cap Sainte Marie Special Reserve.

Khin Myo Myo, Win Ko Ko and Kyaw Moe.  2008.  Preliminary survey on the status of Kachuga trivittata and other endemic species occurring between the Nampoke Hka stream and upper Chindwin River.  Awareness raising school programs at the upper Chindwin River between Htamanthi Village and Khamti Town.

McCormack, Tim; Hendrie, Douglas; and Nguyen Xan Thuan.  2008.  Ensuring a future for the Vietnamese pond turtle: establishing the Mauremys annamensis conservation project (MAP), in central Vietnam.

Restrepo, Adriana and López, Catalina.  2008.  Demographic structure of the population of the endangered turtle Podocnemis lewyana (Podocnemididae) in the Chicagua Branch of the Magdalena River, Colombia.

Calderón-Mandujano, R. René; Arana, Héctor Hernández; and Flores-Villela, Oscar.  2008.  Habitat use and ecology of Dermatemys mawii in southern Quintana Roo, Mexico.

Schoppe, Sabine.  2008.  Siebenrockiella leytensis over time – are populations stable? – Extension. 

Win Ko Ko, Kyaw Moe, and Khin Myo Myo.  2008.  Investigation on the status of Batagur trivittata, formally named Kachuga trivittata, and other endemic species along the Sittoung River in Myanmar. 

Khin Myo Myo, Kyaw Moe, and Win Ko Ko.  2008.  Survey on the status of Arakan Forest Turtle; Heosemys depressa and other endemic species in the Rakhine Yoma Elephant Range Wildlife Sanctuary, Rakhine State.

Syed, Gracia Patricia.  2008.  Genetic characterization and conservation of the Critically Endangered Central American river turtle Dermatemys mawii. (Quintana Roo and Belize populations).

Sovannara, Heng.  2008.  The Batagur baska conservation project, Cambodia.

Rakotondrainy, Riana; Castellano, Christina M.; and Randriamahazo, Herilala.  2008.  Ecology and conservation of the Critically Endangered Madagascar spider tortoise (Pyxis arachnoides oblonga) at Cap Sainte Marie Special Reserve. 

Poschadel, Jens R.; Blanck, Torsten; Raffel, Martina; Meier, Elmar; Plath, Martin; Tiedemann, Ralph; and Zwartepoorte, Henk.  2008.  Studying the genetic variability of the Critically Endangered Cuora trifasciata group, Cuora aurocapitata, Cuora pani and Cuora zhoui using microsatellite markers. 

Garcia, Rony; Balas, Roan; Moreira, José; and Ponce, Gabriela.  2008. Where do they go? Determining the spatial and habitat requirements of the CA river turtle (Dermatemys mawii: Dermatemidae) in El Perú Lagoon, Selva Maya of Guatemala. 

González-Zárate, Adriana; Montenegro-Diaz, Olga Lucia; and Castaño-Mora, Olga Victoria.  2008.  Habitat characterization, resources use and conservation state of the river turtle Podocnemis lewyana, waters down of the Hidroprado Dam, Tolima, Colombia.

Velosoa, Juliette.  2008.  Proposal for the 2nd release of side-necked turtles (Erymnochelys madagascariensis) in Ankarafantsika National Park.

McCormack, Tim; Hendrie, Douglas B.; Van Ha, Hoang; and Chi Nhan, Nguyen.  2008.  Production and distribution of an awareness poster for the endemic Vietnamese pond turtle (Mauremys annamensis). 

Arbeláez, Fernando and Vargas-Ramírez, Mario.  2008.  Program towards conservation of three species of endangered river turtles by Colombian and Peruvian indigenous communities of the Amazon – nests translocation pilot program.

58 proposals received, 24 funded
$109,120 granted

Emmett, David; and Thandar Swe.  2007. Monitoring the release of 50 Geochelone  platynota in Minsontaung Wildlife Sanctuary to support enforcement and zoning for conservation.

McGaugh, Suzanne.  2007. Conservation genetics of the endemic Cuatrociénegas slider Trachemys taylori.

Singh, Shailendra; and Horne, Brian.  2007. Development of “green” headstarting facilities in the National Chambal River Sanctuary, India: the last stronghold for the red crowned roof turtle, Batagur kachuga.

Walker, Ryan; and Woods-Ballard, Andy.  2007. Follow up study on the population density and conservation status of the Madagascar spider tortoise (Pyxis arachnoides).

Forero-Medina, German; and Moreno, Luis Eladio Renteria.  2007. Distribution and conservation status of the endemic mud turtle Kinosternon dunni in Colombia.

Niskanen, Leo; and Volahy, Anselme Toto.  2007. Survey of Pyxis planicauda in Andranomena Special Reserve, Western Madagascar.

Blanck, Torsten, Kremser, MMag. Tanja; and Ting Zhou.  2007. Population size and structure of Cuora mccordi in a remote non protected area in Guangxi Province, China.

Than Myint; Win Ko Ko; Khin Myo Myo; Holmstrom, Bill; Calle, Paul; Raphael, Bonnie; Horne, Brian; Hudson, Rick; Platt, Steve; Platt, Kalyar.  2007. Developing an integrative strategy for handling turtle confiscations in Myanmar.

Noureen, Uzma; and Khan, Ahmad.  2007. Freshwater turtle conservation initiative along the Central Indus in Pakistan.

Vargas-Ramírez, Mario; and Castaño-Mora, Olga Victoria.  2007. Actions towards the conservation of the endangered-endemic fresh water turtle Podocnemis lewyana, in the Upper Magdalena River, Colombia.

Minh Duc Le; and Pritchard, Peter.  2007. Genetic variability of the Critically Endangered softshell turtle, Rafetus swinhoei.

Kuchling, Gerald; Hudson, Rick; and Lu Shunqing. 2007. Facilitating reproduction for the last pair of captive Rafetus in China – an emergency request.

Praschag, Peter. 2007. Preliminary survey on the status of the critically endangered Batagur baska (Gray, 1831) on the east coast of India with consideration of Pelochelys cantorii (Gray, 1864) and Nilssonia leithii (Gray, 1872).

Wen Cheng, Wang Jian, Zhou Ting, and Zhang Li. 2007. Rafetus swinhoei: now or never.

IUCN/SSC Tortoise and Freshwater Turtle Specialist Group; Rhodin, Anders G.J. 2007. Turtles on the Brink in Madagascar: A workshop on current status, conservation prioritization, and strategic action planning for Madagascan tortoises and freshwater turtles.

Khin Myo Myo. 2007. Preliminary survey of the status of Kachuga trivittata between the Htamanthi village and the confluence of Chindwin and Ayeryawady Rivers.

Ghaffari, Hanyeh and Taskavak, Ertan. 2007. A comparative study between the habits, conservational efforts and DNA structures of Rafetus euphraticus in Iran and Turkey.

Gong Shiping. 2007. Geographic distribution, status and conservation of freshwater turtles in Guangdong Province, China.

Lu Shunqing. 2007. Conserve the giant Yangtze softshell (Rafetus swinhoei).

Schoppe, Sabine. 2007. Siebenrockiella leytensis over time – are populations stable?

Hendrie, Douglas. 2007. A strategic approach to the conservation of chelonians in Vietnam.

Baard, Ernst. 2007. Updating the population status of the geometric tortoise Psammobates geometricus and the southern speckled padloper Homopus signatus cafer in the Western Cape Province, South Africa.

Heng Sovannara. 2007. The Batagur baska conservation project, Cambodia.

Gang Chen. 2007. A conservation study of the critically endangered Cuora yunnanensis in Yunnan, China.

25 proposals received, 6 funded
$26,411 granted

Valenzuela, Nicole; and Ceballos Fonseca, Claudia Patricia. 2006. Conservation implications of life history and thermal effects on sex determination and hatchling fitness in the endangered Magdalena river turtle (Podocnemis lewyana).

Vargas-Ramírez, Mario Alfonso; and Castaño-Mora, Olga Victoria. 2006. Participatory research towards the conservation of the endangered-endemic fresh water turtle Podocnemis lewyana in the Upper Magdalena river, Colombia.

Mwaya, Reginald T. 2006. An assessment of the effects of live trade moratorium on the pancake tortoise, Malacochersus tornieri (Testudinidae), wild populations in Tanzania.

Riyanto, Awal; Farajallah, Ahmad; and Arisona, Jarot. 2006. The endangered Sulawesi tortoise (Indotestudo forstenii ): behaviour, habitat, population in the wild and the harvest level.

Parham, James F.; Wilson, Byron S.; Parra-Olea, Gabriela; and Papenfuss, Theodore J. 2006. Assessment of Caribbean slider turtle populations: a neglected turtle fauna under threat of genetic pollution, human exploitation, and habitat destruction.

Wen Cheng. 2006. Proposal for a survey for  Rafetus swinhoei in south Yunnan, China.

32 proposals received, 10 funded
$52,700 granted

Lipman, Alison; and Carroll, C. Ronald. 2005. Conservation of Podocnemis turtles in Parque Nacional Noel Kempff Mercado, Bolivia.

Luiselli, Luca. 2005. Classification and prioritisation of the various areas of conservation interest for freshwater turtles in Nigeria and Benin: the application of GIS analyses on the results from previously CRF-funded projects and from newly-planned surveys.

Fidenci, Pierre. 2005. Inventory, distribution, status, and conservation action of the Critically Endangered Philippine forest turtle, Heosemys leytensis, Palawan, Philippines.

García Anleu, Rony; Soto Shoender, José Roberto; and Espejel G., Verónica E. 2005. Distribution and ecology of wild populations of the Central American river turtle (Dermatemys mawii: Dermatemydidae) in the Corridor of the Maya Forest in Guatemala.

Praschag, Peter; and Reza, Ali. 2005. Genetic verification of the identity of the black soft-shell turtle Aspideretes nigricans (Anderson, 1875).

Syed, Gracia P. 2005. A program of phylogeography, conservation and management for the Critically Endangered Central American river turtle Dermatemys mawii.

Centre for Coastal Environmental Conservation; Rahman, Mowdudur. 2005. River terrapin conservation in the Sundarban Reserved Forest.

Ibarrondo, Bonggi R. 2005. Rote snake-necked turtle (Chelodina mccordi): the Action Plan for its preservation.

Heng Sovannara. 2005. Batagur baska conservation project: a program to protect and conserve the last known wild population of the Critically Endangered river terrapin, Batagur baska, in Indochina.

Andrews, Harry V. 2005. Hatching and headstarting programmes for endangered chelonians in the National Chambal River Sanctuary: implementing recommendations from the Conservation Action Plan for India’s freshwater turtles.

16 proposals received, 10 funded
$30,000 granted

TRAFFIC Southeast Asia; Chris Shepherd, Noorainie Awang Anak, James Compton. 2004. Protecting the Roti Island snake-necked turtle Chelodina mccordi from extinction.

Luiselli, Luca. 2004. A mega-transect along the Gulf of Guinea (West Africa) to assess the status and the impact of human hunting activities on the hinge-back tortoises (genus Kinixys): a crucial step towards a large-scale conservation strategy for these forest species.

Attum, Omar. 2004. A local community and capacity building approach to the conservation of the Egyptian tortoise.

Chan, Eng Heng; Soh, Chong Leng; and Wong, Chee Ho. 2004. The Setiu River terrapin research and conservation program in Malaysia.

Colli, Guarino Rinaldi; and Neto, Habib Jorge Fraxe. 2004. Management and conservation of Cerrado freshwater turtles at Parque Nacional de Brasília, Brazil.

Wildlife Conservation Society; Cleveland Metroparks Zoo; Hanoi National University; and Education for Nature – Vietnam. 2004. Conservation of Rafetus swinhoei in Vietnam.

Cuc Phuong Turtle Conservation Center; Douglas B. Hendrie. 2004. Operational support.

Syed, Gracia P. 2004. Population recovery program for the Central American river turtle Dermatemys mawi (Testudines: Dermatemydidae).

Kuchling, Gerald. 2004. Captive management of Kachuga trivittata in Myanmar.

Ibarrondo, Bonggi. 2004. Rote snake-necked turtle (Chelodina mccordi Rhodin 1994): the Action Plan for its preservation.

11 proposals received, 6 funded
$24,353 granted

Diesmos, Arvin C. 2003. Unraveling the myth of the Philippine pond turtle Heosemys leytensis.

Wildlife Conservation Society; Rohan Holloway, Sovannara Heng. 2003. Batagur baska in Koh Kong Province, Cambodia – research in support of conservation.

Grupo Herpetologico de Antioquia; Vivian P. Páez, Brian C. Bock. 2003. Assessment of the distribution and reproductive ecology of populations of Podocnemis lewyana in the Magdalena river drainage.

Madras Crocodile Bank Trust; Harry V. Andrews. 2003. Conservation and captive breeding of Indian freshwater turtles and tortoises––a need for urgent conservation action.

Kuchling, Gerald. 2003. Preliminary status survey of the Critically Endangered endemic Roti snake-neck turtle (Chelodina mccordi Rhodin, 1994), Roti Island, Indonesia.

International Center for Conservation of Turtles, Allwetterzoo Münster; Martina Raffel. 2003. Conservation of critically endangered Asian turtle species.